Universität Zürich

IKMZ - Department of Communication and Media Research

Media Change & Innovation Division

Andreasstrasse 15
CH-8050 Zurich
Phone +41 (0)44 635 20 92
Fax +41 (0)44 634 49 34



    As the single most important general purpose technology of recent times, the Internet is transforming the
    organization, competitive structure and business models of the private, the public and non-profit sectors. In
    twenty six original chapters, leading authors discuss theoretical frameworks for the study of the economics of the
    Internet and its unique economics as a global information and communications infrastructure. They also examine
    the effects of the Internet on economic transactions (including social production, advertising, innovation, and
    intellectual property rights), the economics and management of Internet-based industries (including search, news,
    entertainment, culture, and virtual worlds), and the effects of the Internet on the economy at large.

    The "Handbook on the Economics of the Internet" edited by Prof. Johannes M. Bauer of Michigan State University and Prof. Michael Latzer, is now available at Edward Elgar Publishing.


    As the single most important general purpose technology of recent times, the Internet is transforming the organization, competitive structure and business models of the private, the public and non-profit sectors. In this book project, leading authors discuss theoretical frameworks for the study of the economics of the Internet and its unique economics as a global information and communications infrastructure.


    They also examine the effects of the Internet on economic transactions (including social production, advertising, innovation, and intellectual property rights), the economics and management of Internet-based industries (including search, news, entertainment, culture, and virtual worlds), and the effects of the Internet on the economy at large.


    Click here to read the first chapter of the book for free 


    Click here to order the book




    S. Aggarwal, C. Antonelli, H. Asghari, J.M. Bauer, S. Bauer, Y. Benkler, S.M. Besen, I. Brown, E. Castronova, D.D. Clark, C. Corrado, C. Feijóo, D.L. Garcia, J.-L. Gómez-Barroso, C. Handke, J. Haucap, K. Hollnbuchner, N. Just, G. Knieps, I. Knowles, J.J. Kranz, L. Küng, M. Latzer, W.H. Lehr, Y.-L. Liu, W. Ma, P. Mazepa, V. Mosco, N. Newman, E.M. Noam, P.P. Patrucco, R. Picard, A. Picot, G. Sadowsky, F. Saurwein, V. Schneider, S.J. Schultze, R. Sherman, P. Stepan,T. Stühmeier, R. Towse, B. Van Ark, M. Van Eeten, B. Van Schewick, H.R. Varian, D. Waterman, R.S. Whitt, S.S. Wildman, S. Wunsch-Vincent

    Critical Acclaim

    ‘Internet development dynamics are tackled in this Handbook by leading scholars representing mainstream, institutional, evolutionary economics and political economy perspectives. They show how complex markets for digital technologies and services are evolving. Crucially, they demonstrate why conventional analytical tool kits need to be extended by bridging disciplinary boundaries. This volume offers significant advances in the analysis of technological and institutional change and demonstrates how important it is to acknowledge conflict resolution and tradeoffs as essential aspects of the internet’s history and its future.’

    Robin Mansell, London School of Economics and Political Science, UK

    'The Internet has transformed many fundamental economic facts of life and business, but it is challenging to catalogue them all. This topic deserves a comprehensive handbook, and the editors have delivered. The chapters are engaging and lucid, and cover a wide range of topics. The editors were not shy about spanning boundaries between technical detail, economic analysis, and policy relevance. This is a great resource for any modern scholar of the Internet.'

    Shane Greenstein, Harvard Business School, US


    The Media Change & Innovation Division, represented by William J. Drake, has organised two workshops at the World Summit on the Information Society Forum in Geneva, May 2016:


    Moderated by William J. Drake, the first workshop titled "Internet Fragmentation" built inter alia on an initial mapping report, "Internet Fragmentation: An Overview" that was written by William J. Drake, Vinton Cerf and Wolfgang Kleinwächter and released at the World Economic Forum’s Annual Meeting in Davos in January 2016.

    As there is no general consensus about the nature, scope and potential impact of Internet fragmentation, much less how the issues could best be addressed, this workshop brought together a multistakeholder group of analysts to advance the conversation and help build a shared understanding of the topic.

    Topics included the nature of Internet fragmentation; technical, commercial and governmental forms of fragmentation; and options for advancing global awareness and distributed responses to problematic cases.


    The second workshop titled "Enhanced Cooperation and Internet Governance" was co-organised with the Centre for Communication Governance at the National Law University, Delhi and Global Partners Digital. The 2005 Tunis Agenda for the Information Society called for enhanced cooperation to enable governments, on an equal footing, to carry out their roles and responsibilities in international public policy issues pertaining to the Internet, but not in the day-to-day technical and operational matters that do not impact on international public policy issues. In the decade since, the international community has struggled to reach consensus as to the precise meaning and implementation of this enhanced cooperation. This workshop brought together a multistakeholder group of analysts and participants in the debate to provide initial inputs for the reconvened discussions to come and help build a shared understanding of the topic.


    WSIS is a UN summit that was initiated in order to create an evolving multi-stakeholder platform aimed at addressing the issues raised by ICTs through a structured and inclusive approach at the national, regional and international levels. The WSIS Forum 2016 represents the world's largest annual gathering of the ‘ICT for development’ community.

  • The paper “Governance of Algorithms: Options and Limitations” by Florian Saurwein, Natascha Just and Michael Latzer, published in Info 2015 Vol. 17 No. 6, has been selected by the journal’s editorial team as the Outstanding Paper in the 2016 Emerald Literati Network Awards for Excellence.


    The Emerald Literati Awards are now in their 23rd year and were established to celebrate and reward outstanding contributions of authors and reviewers to scholarly research.



    Die Abteilung Medienwandel & Innovation (Prof. Dr. Michael Latzer – http://www.mediachange.ch) des IPMZ – Institut für Publizistikwissenschaft und Medienforschung der Universität Zürich sucht zur Verstärkung ihres Teams eine/n



    Assistentin/Assistenten (60%)


    Eintrittszeitpunkt: nach Vereinbarung



    • Abgeschlossenes Universitätsstudium der Publizistik- und Kommunikationswissenschaft oder einer benachbarten sozialwissenschaftlichen Disziplin (Master, Diplom)
    • Interesse an wissenschaftlicher Weiterqualifikation (Dissertation) / wissenschaftlicher Karriere
    • Vorkenntnisse bzw. hohes Interesse an zumindest einem der folgenden Bereiche:
      Internet-Governance, Internetökonomie/-management (z.B. Geschäftsmodelle),
      Internet & Gesellschaft, Automatisierung durch algorithmische Selektion im Internet, Innovationsforschung und sozialwissenschaftliche Technikforschung
    • Sehr gute Kenntnisse quantitativer und/oder qualitativer Forschungsmethoden sowie ihrer Anwendungen; Erfahrung und versierter Umgang mit Statistik- und Analysesoftware
    • Forschungserfahrung von Vorteil
    • Sehr gute Deutsch- und Englischkenntnisse in Wort und Schrift, weitere Fremdsprachen (v.a. Schweizer Landessprachen) von Vorteil
    • Hohes Engagement und Detailorientiertheit
    • Selbstständige, sorgfältige und verlässliche Arbeitsweise
    • Teamfähigkeit



    • Mitarbeit an Forschungsprojekten
    • Wissenschaftliche Weiterqualifikation (Doktorat), die sich inhaltlich an den Lehr- und Forschungsschwerpunkten der Abteilung orientiert
    • Konferenzteilnahmen und Publikationen
    • Mitwirkung in der Lehre
    • Betreuungs- und Administrationsarbeiten


    Am IPMZ bieten wir Ihnen optimale Rahmenbedingungen für Ihre weitere wissenschaftliche Karriere und freuen uns auf Ihre Bewerbung.

    Ein Anstellungsverhältnis als Assistent/in an der UZH hat eine maximale Laufzeit von sechs Jahren. Eine Aufstockung der Stellenprozente über Drittmittelprojekte wird angestrebt.


    Die üblichen Bewerbungsunterlagen inklusive Motivationsschreiben, Prüfungs-/Notenausweis und den Namen einer Referenzperson senden Sie bitte als PDF (eine Datei) an Dr. Natascha Just: n.just@ipmz.uzh.ch. Der Auswahlprozess und die Interviews beginnen mit Eingang der Bewerbungen, spätestens ab Juni 2016. Die Ausschreibung bleibt offen, bis eine geeignete Kandidatin oder ein geeigneter Kandidat gefunden wurde.


    Die Universität Zürich ist an der Gleichstellung von Männern und Frauen in wissenschaftlichen Positionen interessiert und fordert daher einschlägig qualifizierte Frauen ausdrücklich zur Bewerbung auf.