Kappeler, Kiran / Festic, Noemi / Latzer, Michael / Rüedy, Tanja (2023): Coping with Algorithmic Risks: How Internet Users Implement Self-Help Strategies to Reduce Risks Related to Algorithmic Selection. Journal of Digital Social Research, 5(1), 23-47. [more]
Kappeler, Kiran / Festic, Noemi / Latzer, Michael (2023): Dataveillance imaginaries and their role in chilling effects online. International Journal of Human-Computer Studies, 179, 1-15. [more]
Latzer, Michael / Festic, Noemi / Büchi, Moritz (2018): Informationsgesellschaft Schweiz: Internetnutzung und digitales Wohlbefinden. In: DemoSCOPE-News 2018-01, 6-7. [more] [pdf]