Universität Zürich

IKMZ - Department of Communication and Media Research

Media Change & Innovation Division

Andreasstrasse 15
CH-8050 Zurich
Phone +41 (0)44 635 20 92
Fax +41 (0)44 634 49 34


  • Latzer, Michael (1999): Die veränderte Rolle des Staates im Kommunikationssektor. In: Neue Medien und Politik, Informationen zur Politischen Bildung, 16, Wien, 28-39

  • Just, Natascha / Latzer, Michael (2000): EU competition policy and market power control in the mediamatics era. In: Telecommunications Policy, 24(5), 395-411 [more]

  • Latzer, Michael (2001): Politische Steuerung der Mediamatik in der Krise. Selbst- und Ko-Regulierung sollen helfen. In: Juridicum, 4(1), 192-194

  • Latzer, Michael / Schmitz, Stefan W. (2002): Competition in B2C eCommerce: Analytical Issues and Empirical Evidence. In: EM-Electronic Markets, the International Journal of Electronic Commerce & Business Media, 12(3), 163-174

  • Latzer, Michael / Just, Natascha / Saurwein, Florian / Slominski, Peter (2003): Regulation Remixed: Institutional Change through Self- and Co-Regulation in the Mediamatics Sector. In: Communications and Strategies, 50(2), 127-157 [pdf]

  • Just, Natascha / Latzer, Michael (2004): Self- and Co-Regulation in the Mediamatics Sector: European Community (EC) Strategies and Contributions towards a Transformed Statehood. In: Knowledge, Technology, & Policy, 17(2), 38-62 [more] [pdf]

  • Latzer, Michael / Preissl, Brigitte (2005): E-Business Impacts Revisited . In: EM-Electronic Markets, the International Journal of Electronic Commerce & Business Media, 15(3), 178-180

  • Latzer, Michael / Just, Natascha / Saurwein, Florian / Slominski, Peter (2006): Institutional Variety in Communications Regulation. Classification scheme and empirical evidence from Austria. In: Telecommunications Policy, 30(3-4), 152-170 [more] [pdf]

  • Latzer, Michael (2007): Regulatory Choice in Communications Governance. In: Communications – The European Journal of Communication Research, 32(3), 399-405 [more] [pdf]

  • Latzer, Michael (2009): ICT Innovations: Radical & Disruptive? Vague Concepts – Delicate Choices – Conflicting Results. In: New Media & Society, 11(4), 599-619 [more] [pdf]